Thursday, 2 December 2010

Lego The Future - 18 year old rapper from NYC Dope!!

Ok so found this dope rapper on youtube about a year and half ago just free styling in a school in NYC his home town, since then i stalked him for a while (you gotta be persistent in this game) to find out more. He didn't even have a myspace or anything. He was all fresh and new. So anyway to cut a long story since, i have been fully excuse the slang but 'REPPING HIM HARD' lol!! In other words i fully belief in him as a artist and trying to help him get to where he wants to be. He can be the next new rapper that is by far credible to come from the states.
So when the 'Industry' asks you 'Jem what's his USP which is Unique Selling Point?' well here goes he has many and more to come -

1. He is just about to turn 19 still young so massive room for development and growth
2. He produces all his own material
3. He graphic designs and does all his own web design himself
4. He studies law in the city = very intelligent
5. His Dad is a local hip-hop producer and now they own a studio together in Staten Island NYC
6. He sings as well and writes all his own lyrics
7. His flow is just unique
8. He sounds a little like Asher Roth/Fabulous/Lupe/Drake - these all highly respected Rappers
9. His lyrics are just too good, coming with punch lines quick, using metaphors and subtextual lyrics well. His lyrics are emotional yet relatable
10. He is super cute and has a massive fan base of girls. Oh yeah and comes from the Puerto Rican surburbs of Brooklyn, NYC.

Anyway enough said check out one of his recant tracks called HOME ALONE where it features 2 of his good friends, part of his BNS crew he set up. I will be posting more tracks on this blog, one of which produced by Apple Juice Kid coming soon...

Also check out added extra track titled 'MY GLOW' on this one you can really here his punch lines and flow.

This is where i found him see below

LEGO THE FUTURE is going to be the FUTURE
He is going to go far has great future ahead of him..
And he is so determined to..
I will post some more material soon in fact i might even do Kanye Good Friday style but defo going to get a xmas special from me soon.
Just check him out : )

1 comment:

  1. This my dude right here even tho i dont know him like dat.His music tuff and worth listening to check it out.
